old days Today at work, when I open my drawer to find some document, I found a travel guide book about Sydney. I already read that book many times but today it was different. Especially when I saw the boat that I took with Dunc to visit his cousin in Manly. And just like that,my head started playing the memories when me and Dunc had holiday in Sydney. It was only a picture but brought back so many sweet stories in my head.
Well...well, I wish I can turn back the time. I remember, I was so happy sitting on the boat with my sweet guy beside me. We held hand and we shared the laughs. Suddenly, I felt so sad. Realise that how far we are now. Tried so hard to release the pain in my heart with smile, even my eyes won't lie. I just know that what I have with him will always belongs to both of us.
Dunno what's else to say now. Anyway, to Sham, who just visit my website and gave a comment (read my shoutbox on the left), hmmm...I don't get your point by saying that I should use a proper language in my own website. Is that because you get consufed because I use both language (English and Indonesian)? Ok, the reasons are I used Indonesian because I am an Indonesian, and I used English because for some reason, it's easily for me to say what I wanna say in English sometime. And I want everybody who can't speak Indonesian, understand what I wrote here, especially for my boyfriend. So, please respect what I wanna do here. Ok then, time to go to bed now. I'm so tired. This weekend I'll be working. No weekend, what a suck! Nite..nite |