Monday, October 6, 2003

..lagi sakit..

Holiday is over, back to school again!! I didn't go to work today, I'm sick. Dunc is sick aswell, so we are a sick couple that have been so lazy this weekend. My weekend was great. We went to Dunc's friend, Ian, graduation party at friday, then saturday we went clubbing with his friend,Sam. The club was good, I like the music. But, I wasn't really happy that night. I'm kind a upset with him and his friend. Damn, I felt so stupid. Maybe I just jealous, or maybe I was too much that night, but I hate it. Stop touching my man's head,BITCH!! Grrr...I wasn't happy at all. But then after hours, I just ignored it and tried to enjoy myself. Anyway, I met Craig there. Huahahhaa, so surprised, I didn't expect to see him again after few months ago. Nothing change, still the same style and smile. We were laughing and talking for a while, then I back to Dunc again cause he was jealous though. Nice to see you again,Craig.

I suppose to go to my yoga class this afternoon, but I don't feel to come. That's ok, I never skip the class anyway. I was talking with Mama-Papa and mbak Ly yesterday. Finally, my proposal to stay here longer was approved by my dad. glad!! I got the ticket to go home aswell. Early december, I paid the deposit already. But, I can't celebrate my birthday at home, again. This year, I was celebrating my birthday with them, with all of my big family in Semarang. It was okay, eventhough it wasn't my idea, but it was pretty fun. So, my next birthday I will celebrate it with Dunc, hope so. Hope we still be together that time. My new course will start on February next year, I'm so excited. Damn, my head is spinning again. Gotta go now..
me at 2:50 PM


Surabaya - Jakarta
Born on 80's

I'm just an ordinary girl who loves dreaming and creating my own unique world. Moody,selfish,and easygoing. Not following any rules, just my own.



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