Friday, December 1, 2006

10 things I like from man

  1. When he holding my hand. I always feel so secure, safe and for sure, I'm belonging to him.
  2. The smell after he's taking shower. I love sniffing, especially on neck...hehehe.
  3. Lying in his shoulder while watching telly or just doing my reading.
  4. Spooning sleep position, with his arms wrapping my body tightly. Damn...that's the best, trust me!!
  5. When he say “I LOVE YOU”. Could be true or just a line, but I like to hear it
  6. His appetite on food and other things. When his hungry, he can eat the whole cow. I like man who enjoys his food, so I don't have to embarrass if I eat a lot too...hehehe.
  7. His companion, so no more lonely night after work.
  8. When he look at me and make me feel like I’m the most beautiful woman in the world.
  9. When I talk and he listen. The most important thing in the relationship. Communication.
  10. The moans I get, when he doing his job and again, I always want more and more. Of course, I get what I want and he gets what he wants. That's what I call, balance.

Well...well, that's what I love from man or guys, but no for BOYS!
It's not but age, cause age doesn't approve your maturity. You can be 30 but your attitude can be still 15, you know what I mean. I know a guy who just turn 24, but he has a good job, good planning for his life, he sets his goal and much much mature than me. Do I feel embarrass because of that? Of course, I am. But he makes me want to start setting my goal, dream again and of course planning what I want to get in the next years. The failures that I got in the past did make me scare to do that setting up the plan for the future, but he asked me once, “For how long you will let your failure in the past haunt your future?

This question really smacked my face that time. Yes, how long I will let that nightmare hold me to move on. It takes time, for sure. I need almost a year to figure out what I really really want for my life. Do I have to wait for a dream that become blurry, day by day? No way, the answer is easy actually. Everybody deserves happiness, no matter what have you been through. Including me, even I became a loser who tries to run away from reality and still holding on what I want. Baby darling, I tell you what…life is too precious to be waste on one dream. There are so many other dreams that you can get when you letting go the one you try to hold onto. When one door closed, another door will open for you.

Now, I’m happy with what I have now. I’m happy with myself, just the way it supposed to be. When, almost all of my best friends already married and I’m not, yet, so what? No need to be ashamed. It’s not competition, it’s their destiny to found their soulmates and hit the knot. I don’t find mine yet, so I’m not giving up finding someone who likes to grow old with me. No need to force guy to bend on his knee and asking me. No need thousands trick and plan to make them do. If they won’t, they won’t. And one thing, I learn to save my money now…hahahha, so proud of myself for that. Every month, I put some from my salary and hide it away in my different account. So, I won’t see it and I won’t use it. Bit by bit, but I will hit the jackpot one day when I need it the most. I learn to control myself, my money spend and my life. I enjoy what I have and I let go what’s not deserve for me. Still learning, but I see the different on the way I see life. I smile every morning cause I know, something might change for me today. Could be something good or even bad, but I know I’ll be okay and I can handle it just fine.

Enough write for today. I’ll sleep well tonight and tomorrow a brand new day will be there for me. Never give up on your life, also for your dreams. If you want it, you stand up and fight for it. Have a good day everyone, I hope you learn what I learn from life.

me at 9:40 AM


Surabaya - Jakarta
Born on 80's

I'm just an ordinary girl who loves dreaming and creating my own unique world. Moody,selfish,and easygoing. Not following any rules, just my own.



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