Sunday, July 31, 2005

when can i see you again??
me at 6:41 PM
Friday, July 15, 2005 best girlfriends...

Whenever I'm down
I call on you my friend
A helping hand you lend
In my time of need

Whenever I'm down
And all that's going on
Is really going on
Just one of those days

You say the right things
To keep me moving on
To keep me going strong
For my beloved bestfriend, Zee. I'm not going to say goodbye to you cause I know that somehow, we will meet again. We will spend time together like we used to do. Good luck with your new world, a new path of your life. Anytime..just anytime you need someone to talk, share or everything, you can count on me. Thank you for everything that you've done to me. Without you, I already become a pathetic women with a huge ego and pride. Thank you for always be there for me anytime I was feeling low and sad. Be happy and anytime you feel like to give up,remember..that you've been fighting for long time to have this opportunity. So, never ever stop fighting and believing yourself. Have fun in Japan and be a great wife and mother for your future kids. Miss you already. Love you, Zee.
me at 8:26 PM
Friday, July 8, 2005
i'm sorry
i couldn't be there for you
to hold your hand when you're in pain
to kiss you when you're sad
to hug you when you're scare

i'm sorry
i couldn't be there for you
to listen to your story
to laugh at your jokes
to find your glasses when you lost it

but i need you to know
that all i want is to be with you
yesterday, today and tomorrow

still, i wish i can be there for you,today
me at 2:59 PM
Monday, July 4, 2005

celebrating on silent

Walk blindly to the light and reach out for his hand
Don't ask any questions and don't try to understand
Open up your mind and then open up your heart
And you will see that you and me aren't very far apart
'Cause I believe that love is the answer

Today was a great day. I am celebrating my special moment. I woke up early cause my mobile rang then tried to back to sleep. Sadly and lonely, I continued my empty dream this morning. Started my day with smile, cause today is a happy day. At work, doing my job with smile and laughs. Yeah..cause today was special.

The whole day, my heart and mind full of love. That I'm so grateful to have this day,today. After all that sacrifices, tears and loneliness, finally I still have a chance to have this moment, with my special one, the half of my life. Even we're living on a different places, but we are still under the same sky,rite. So, we are still together.

Back from work, had to do another task from work. On the way, I rang him. Then jealousy suddenly bite my heart,again. Something stole my thunder of the day, today. I swallowed the bitterness and still trying to smile. Then, my girlfriends came to save the pieces of my day. We went for dinner, shared the stories, feeling, pain, laugh and love. And I came back with the same smile that I wore when I left home this morning. For Shita and Zee, thank you for being my shoulder to cry for all this times. Now I know that happiness are about letting go the fear and ready for all the consequences that we taking in life. No one can take it from me. Not the other women, not the flower issue or not the jealousy that take my happiness away. It's about believing in yourself, to that special person and to the people around you. Love is the key for all the questions that I've been asking for many years. So, let's wrap it up tonight with smile.

Thank you for still being with me

me at 11:34 PM


Surabaya - Jakarta
Born on 80's

I'm just an ordinary girl who loves dreaming and creating my own unique world. Moody,selfish,and easygoing. Not following any rules, just my own.



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