Monday, April 30, 2007

Warrior Of Love

What is love? What is it actually? Is it really matter to have love or not at all? So many people looking for love. Looking for ‘the one’ to complete their life. They hunt, search and fight for it. Everywhere and anywhere. Many of people that I know, I can called friends that wanting to have the love one so bad. When they interested on one person, the feeling grows and become a love and that’s where the entire journey will start. When you falling in love, sometime there’s no more right or wrong. It’s a totally a pure feeling of wanting. You will wait for uncertain time for the love one to come and finally ask you to grow old together. Sometime, you also have to accepting their bad personality, ignoring the warning of being hurt and still having the dream of happy ending to be yours. I’ll tell you few true stories about the warriors of love, the one who fight for their love.

I know a girl who still accepting her boyfriend after he cheated with the other girl. She let him back, still holds his hand and tells him that they are strong enough to walk to the storm. She fought the nightmare of being abandoned, cheated and heart broken. And one day, after all that sacrifices that she done for him, he broke her heart, again...for I dunno how many times already. She had done everything for her love and her dreams. And now, she already find a new love, and she fight for the new dream. She is the warrior of love. And I am admiring her for that

Another girl I know did almost the same thing. She fights for her dream and love. Her ideal dream was marriage, since I don’t know when. Her heart got bruised for many times because of that. And she never gives up on trying, searching and hoping. Until one day, she met her prince charming and finally put a rock in her finger. The day on her wedding, I was shaking of happiness and sadness at the same time. She finally got what she want it. My heart full of un described feeling. I’m so happy for her. But, in the other corner of my heart, I was scared because I lost one of my shoulders to cry on. For sure, she still fighting for the other dream now and I’m sure she’ll get it one day. She definitely the one that I always look up to, every time I wanna give up on my own fighting of dreams.

One girl who also my friend has different story. She falling in love with a guy and she has to fight to make him hers and get rid of the other girl, a direct competitor who always all around him. It’s been a long time for her to feel in love. Been looking and searching, but nothing happen. And now, she wants her dream to come true with this guy. She is one of the warriors of love, for me.

Me, I have a lot of stories about fighting for guy. But there’s only couple that worth to tell. I fell in love with this guy. He was everything I could want in a guy. I fought against the difference of culture, religion, distance and personality. I fought for everything that stands between us for 2 years. Don’t ask me how much time, money and tears that I spent for it. The answer will be uncountable. I believe on our love and tried everything to minimize all the differences. And finally, I failed. I can’t stop it from falling apart. And then, I have to learn to let him go and moving on. Am I still called as warrior of love? I dunno, but I do fight for it though.

And after everything that ever happened to my life, I learn one thing about love. Love is not about whom the winner is and who’s the loser. Love is not about forcing what you want and ignoring everything else. Love is also not about accepting everything, swallow it hard and spend the rest of your life to forgiving and forgetting. It’s wrong and any of you who doing it, you should stop from now on. Love is about understanding, accepting, taking and giving. Everything has to be balance. Taking too much is not good and giving too much with less taking also not good. When you get your PMS and become so grumpy and moody, your boyfriend understand it and give you more hug than bugging you about sex or other things, that is love. When you’re sad, he will listen to you and comfort you that are love. When a guy needs a space and want more time to hang out with his friend, and you let him have it without asking too many question, that is love. Everything that balances between you and him is love. Understand each other is important. Trust also a big key in relationship. Isn’t a good to back home from work to someone who opens the door with smiles? Asking how your day was and telling about them as well. Sharing everything.

Everyone has their own time to finally meet ‘the one’. Sometime, when you less expected, you’ll get more. Don’t mean to be smart-ass here; just wanna share the thought and experiences. Never give up on your dream and fight for it. Happy fighting, Guys. Cause basically, everybody are warrior of love.

me at 11:43 AM
Monday, April 23, 2007

Grow Old With You

I wanna make you smile whenever you're sad
Carry you around when your arthritis is bad
All I wanna do is grow old with you

I'll get your medicine when your tummy aches
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks
Oh it could be so nice, growing old with you

I'll miss you
Kiss you
Give you my coat when you are cold

Need you
Feed you
Even let ya hold the remote control

So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink
Put you to bed if you've had too much to drink
I could be the man who grows old with you
I wanna grow old with you
me at 1:22 PM


Surabaya - Jakarta
Born on 80's

I'm just an ordinary girl who loves dreaming and creating my own unique world. Moody,selfish,and easygoing. Not following any rules, just my own.



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