Sunday, December 7, 2003
I had a great weekend this time. Friday afternoon, Dunc took me to the computer people's meeting, hehehe...can't remember the name of it. I though, it would be boring, but actually it was pretty fun. Meet a lot of IT people and most of them are little bit weird,I think. Then, I felt so glad, my man is the most normal guy between them. It finished about 11 then we went to Duncan's friend house,Dany. We stayed there until 1 am, talking and laughing the whole night. I was pretty tired afterward, then back home and slept.

And saturday, we went to the doctor cause Dunc's knee is crook. Then, after had lunch in China Bar, we went back home and start packing. Yeah, we went to his family's beach house afterward. I was so excited, it was our last weekend together before I back home. We drove pretty far, laughing and singing along the way there. Finally, we arrived and took a nap, cause both us were tired. The beach house was really nice, and the beach was great either. But, we didn't go to beach that much, just once at the night time. Anyway, it still great view of it. We had a good time during the night. I cooked pasta for dinner and fried noddle for breakfast the next day. No fighting, and we both pissed last night. Actually I don't wanna left the house that soon, but Duncan has to go to Dany's BBQ party. I wanna go aswell, but then I got terrible dizzy on the way home. I think, cause I didn't drink enough water and the weather is bloody hot. So I staying home now and clean up the house and my room aswell.

Tomorrow, I have to go to the bank, paying my rent for 2 months and phone bill. I have to hand in the form aswell at school, then I'll go to city, still need to buy something. Gotta go now, I'm hungry. I'll have my favourite italian food, lasagna. Take care...
me at 3:30 PM


Surabaya - Jakarta
Born on 80's

I'm just an ordinary girl who loves dreaming and creating my own unique world. Moody,selfish,and easygoing. Not following any rules, just my own.



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