Sunday, February 8, 2004 |
..sunday note..Hmmm...weekend is over. Tomorrow is monday again, and I hate Monday. Tomorrow is my first day to school. I only go to school 3 days a week, but it's full day from 9 to 5. Hope it's going to be an interesting course.
Anyway, last Saturday nite, I went to Marcelle's bday party. It was great, although I bit jealous when Dunc talked to some girls in the party. Silly me..hehehhe. Dunc looked so cute aswell that nite. He was wearing jeans, white t-shirt and black jacket. He was like James Dean. James Dean :) Everybody rock up with 80s fashion, it was so funny.
Today, I did nothing basically. Just bought birthday present for Paris, Andrew's daughter, then back to Dunc's house and watch war movie that we just got. Now, I'm already in my room, ready to jump to my bed. Better go to sleep now, have to wake up early tomorrow. Nite..nite |
me at 6:39 PM
Saturday, February 7, 2004 |
..back 2 school..Hari Jumat kmaren, aku ke kampus yang baru buat orientation new student. Aturan mesti disana jam 11, hehehe...aku dateng telat, abis kesiangan bangunnya. Maklum,masih kebawa suasana liburan kmaren. Dikasi student card, schedule ama student handbook. Abis getu...keliling kampus buat liat2 fasilitas yang minim itu. Tapi kayaknya sih seru juga kuliahnya, temen2nya juga anak international semua. Ada satu anak Indo dikelasku, cewek...jadi lumayanlah buat temen bareng.
Ntar malem, mo ke birthday partynya Marcelle, adeknya Duncan. Kayaknya sih bakal seru, soalnya tema partynya taun 80an, jadi mesti dressed up ala taun itu. Sempet pusing juga mikirin kostum, soalnya aku gak tau banyak fashion taun itu,khan masih kecil waktu itu. Akhirnya setelah searching2 di internet, dapet ide juga. Yg bikin bt, rambut mesti keriting, gak boleh pake straightening iron. Naa..aku khan gak bisa idup tanpa benda yg satu itu, mana bisa pd ntar. Tapi ya sudahlah, namanya juga pesta..harus siap gila2an. Kamis kmaren, akhirnya dapet juga kostum buat ntar malem, lengkap pake beli rol rambut buat ngeriting rambut ntar. Hahahha...duh,kek apa ntar mukaku. Cuek ah...cuek!! Have a nice weekend, everybody |
me at 9:06 AM
Monday, February 2, 2004 |
 Today is my birthday. It's also Tia's birthday,actually. She's my bestfriend and like my own sister. So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO TIA. I wish this year will be a better year for both of us. Miss you My beloved Dunc cooked me lunch and he gave me a lovely gift that I will always wear it my arm. I got a lot of sms from all of my friends and family, so happy to have them in my life.
Today, I turn 24. I hope this year will be a great time for me. Finish my course, find a job, and get everything I want. I was stay up until 12 am on Sunday night, tried to remembering everything on my past and life. I was pray that I can be a better woman after this. I'm not going to expect anything that impossible to be happen this year, I just want everything will be much much better for me. For life, education, and love... hope everything will be okay. Amien. |
me at 6:16 PM
Sunday, February 1, 2004 |
HAPPY IDUL ADHAIn this another great day of Islam, finally I'm coming back to Melbourne. Arrived about 9 am, got through the imigration without any problem ( I was a bit worry about the bird flu issues) and my great man,Dunc already picked me up in the airport with his big smile. So happy to see him again. I'm a bit tired cause I didn't sleep enough on the plane. So we went back to my home straight away and throw all my tiredness on my bed. After took a long bath, I talked a lot with Fajar, my housmate on the kitchen while waiting for Duncan from his crash out,hehehhe.
I had a great time today. I need a rest now, so tired. Bye... |
me at 3:10 PM