Saturday, October 30, 2004


... it doesn't matter where you go in life, what you do or how much you have, it's who you have beside you that's matter ...
me at 7:18 PM
Friday, October 29, 2004 old days

Today at work, when I open my drawer to find some document, I found a travel guide book about Sydney. I already read that book many times but today it was different. Especially when I saw the boat that I took with Dunc to visit his cousin in Manly. And just like that,my head started playing the memories when me and Dunc had holiday in Sydney. It was only a picture but brought back so many sweet stories in my head.

Well...well, I wish I can turn back the time. I remember, I was so happy sitting on the boat with my sweet guy beside me. We held hand and we shared the laughs. Suddenly, I felt so sad. Realise that how far we are now. Tried so hard to release the pain in my heart with smile, even my eyes won't lie. I just know that what I have with him will always belongs to both of us.

Dunno what's else to say now. Anyway, to Sham, who just visit my website and gave a comment (read my shoutbox on the left), hmmm...I don't get your point by saying that I should use a proper language in my own website. Is that because you get consufed because I use both language (English and Indonesian)? Ok, the reasons are I used Indonesian because I am an Indonesian, and I used English because for some reason, it's easily for me to say what I wanna say in English sometime. And I want everybody who can't speak Indonesian, understand what I wrote here, especially for my boyfriend. So, please respect what I wanna do here.

Ok then, time to go to bed now. I'm so tired. This weekend I'll be working. No weekend, what a suck! Nite..nite

me at 10:09 PM
Sunday, October 3, 2004


"you can erase someone from your mind. getting them out of your heart is another story"

That quote was from "ETERNAL SUNSHINE" movie that I watched last nite. It's about a girl who done some experimental procedure to removed all her memories with her boyfriend. And when her boyfriend found out about it, he then decided to do the same procedure cause he realised that he cannot live with memory of her that only him could remember it . First, it was a bit boring and confusing, but at the end, it was pretty good. I mean, the whole movie is like a journey of how you could erase your memory but never really get them out from your heart. And i was wondering, if there is a real doctor here that could do that procedure to me. I mean, maybe with erasing some of my bad memories, it could make me to be a better person. As you know, sometime the bitterness from the past still bite my heart even it's already became an old story.

But, from the movie, you can see, no matter how bad the past was, it's still part of life that we cannot hide or bury just like that. By removing it doesn't mean your life will totally change. Still, i wish there is a doctor or clinic that can do that miracle. The whole past of mine basically wasn't that bad. I still recovery from some of the damages, but so far, I'm okay. But, the point is could you live with half of your memory? Of course not, memories are experients that you gained from time after time in your life, rite? When bad and good things happen, tears and laughs combined, success and failure completed each other...nothing we can do to hold them appears in our life.

So, guys...let's remembering our own memories. Can you see that in every tears and pains, you also see happiness and joy? Keep your memories and treat them like your treasures. It's worth more than gold, cause in there you see the progress of yourself. And one of my best memories is when I was in Melbourne. I grown up so much in every way. I learnt that to live are to enjoy and do your best. I learnt that to love are to give and take. And I also learnt that to forget are to forgive and move on.
Have a nice weekend, Everybody...
me at 2:25 PM


Surabaya - Jakarta
Born on 80's

I'm just an ordinary girl who loves dreaming and creating my own unique world. Moody,selfish,and easygoing. Not following any rules, just my own.



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