Monday, May 31, 2004 |
 Sodara2 sekalian, akhirnya saya wisuda juga hari ini. Setelah kuliah sistem loncat alias pindah dari satu kampus ke kampus laennya, akhirnya hari ini bisa juga ngerasain yang namanya pake toga. Aku pindah2 kampus bukannya karena bermasalah ato di DO, tapi emang kuliah yg kmaren2 belum juga sreg di ati...hehhehe. But today,is the day, when I can feel again all my tears and hard works for the last two years with smile on my face. Today is the day that finally I can make my parents proud of me, eventhough they can't come for my graduation. The ceremony started on 8 o'clock pm but I had to be there on 7pm. This morning,I had a class from 9 to 6, but I skipped the last class, back home early, so I can get ready for tonight. Woo hoo!! Very excited.
Dunc, Fajar (my housemate),Mirna,and my houseparent was there. We all dressed up, except my houseparent. It was pretty funny because from about 15 students from my course which is Advertising, only 3 peoples who graduates tonight. So glad to see my old friends, and teachers again. Teachers who I hate became so friendly tonight, hahahahha...funny,huh. Joe, one of the toughest teacher was talking to me nicely. I'm bit nervous when talking with her, cause she used to be so annoying and got under the skin of every Advertising students in her class. It was great, old revenges became disappear just like that.
Yup, my job in here is almost finish. I have to back home next month. One month...hmmm,what a short time. What's going to happen to me next? Nobody knows, just wait and see, I guess. Who and where I'll end up devoted my life for. It's scary,but I have to keep my head's up, and be positive about it. Cya... |
me at 11:23 AM
Sunday, May 30, 2004 |
Open my eyes, looked the watch, then woke up Light my cigarrete, turned on the kettle, made a coffee Looked at the watch again, just 10 minutes gone Hot water's ready, enjoyed my coffe and my second cigarettes
It's cold,turned on the heater,opened the window Fresh air, fresh day, but not mine Looked at the sink,full of dirty plates,back to my room Turned on the computer,connected to the internet, no email
Burned another cigarrete,looked at the watch, 11.40 am My head's heavy, my heart's ache, my stomache's empty My phone rang,talked, and hang up I'm have to put my head's up,now
Is it gone? Is it over? Is it finish? NO!! Keep telling myself to survive Something is missing,someone's change,now Take a deep breath,waiting, and ready to all the consequences
Sunday morning with my last strength |
me at 8:30 AM
Sunday, May 23, 2004 |
it's a heart very fragile heart there's new scar on it with blood and pains
wipe it, i said wipe it hurry..before the stain stay longer put a bandage on it hurry..before the pain getting worse what? you don't want it? but why? isn't it hurt? isn't it bleeding?
why laugh, you should scream stop laugh, it's too loud's not laugh,it's cry wipe the tears,quick wipe it, before everybody knows,you look so pale lie down,hurry! take a deep breath, now! don't close your eyes,please you make me scare fuck!! i lose you now!!!
ps: when it hurt too much,it's love |
me at 4:31 PM
Saturday, May 22, 2004 |
This weekend is suck. Dunc has an army activity the whole weekend, so it's mean no having fun together. Friday night, basically I just stayed home, doing my assignment and talked on the phone. Almost finish my bottle of martini, not drunk just sleepy. And one pyscho guy tried to scared me to death with his stupid phone calls. So sick of his bloody attitude.
Saturday, since woke up til now, still doing my website assignmen, almost finish though. Went to check my stupid problem and all I got just another sickness. Oh well, what can I say more about it. Nothing much I can do except do whatever I wanna do to get rid of it. Didn't hear anything from Dunc since morning, he must be really busy there. Miss him a lot, especially when I need someone to protect me from all the pain and horrible thing in here. I'm not in a good mood now, so grumpy and a bit tipsy too ;)
I talked to one of my bestfriend yesterday and she just decided to say goodbye to his lover. It's so sad for her, and the thing is maybe that's better for her, you know. Never met her lover, just seen the picture, so nothing much I can say about him. Then, I realise, we( women) tend to be so weak when fallin in love. Love can make you feel so speechless when actually you have a right to ask why. Love can make you so understanding with everything, just to keep the love itself alive. Love can make you so stupid when the person you love start fooling around with others. And love can be so powerful to change one beautiful day become the worst day you ever have. Not more I can say about love,guys..cause I know, sometime..I react like an idiot just because I love someone.
My advice is don't love too much, so it wouldn't hurt that much. If it's not working today, maybe tomorrow will be different. If it's hurt, maybe tomorrow it will heal. But if it's gone, there must be a better one will come on your way. Don't ask me about my experiences, or about how I survived after all the bitterness of love of mine, but you can ask me why I never stop believing in love. Just one answer, cause I need love and I want to be loved.
Nite..nite,Guys. One night to go and I can see my favourite smile tomorrow afternoon. Can't wait for it... |
me at 7:39 PM
Sunday, May 16, 2004 |

i said, i love you without knowing how,when or from where so, i love you because i know no other way but, there's a danger in loving somebody too much and it's sad when you know.. it's your heart you can't trust cause sometimes, love just ain't enough |
me at 8:22 PM
Wednesday, May 12, 2004 |
I was in my room, alone with all of my stuffs around me. Those stuffs supposed to go to my giant suitcase tonight. My mom keep coming and go to my room, checking how far the packing goes. "Feby, it's 7 o'clock already but look, you didn't do much packing yet" "I know,Mum, but I don't know what should I bring and put in the suitcase. It's too many stuffs, I can't decide." "You always like that. I told you since yesterday to start packing but you prefer went out with your friends." I just grin, and not pay much attention to her. I just look all of my stuff, and the sadness started crawling in head. Time flies, it seems I unpacking my suitcase from UK, and now I start packing again. This time to Australia. I really dunno where I have to start, my clothes, my bags, my shoes, my junks, my CDs...are everywhere in my room. Then, my sister,Happy, came along to help me packing. So, basically she did all the packing and I just watch her. Finally, everything was ready and Epha, one of my bestfriend came to my house. We were talking and she said that Rieza was outside waiting for me. He was kinda banned from my house because of my parents. So, I sneak out and met him outside. He was in his car, looked so worry that my parents or one of peoples in my house could see him. I talked with him for about 10 minutes then I have to back in before my mum know. He kissed my forehead, then I went back in. And I can't sleep afterward. I don't really wanna go, but I have to. But, then I think about my future, and how much experiences that I will gained in Australia. I don't know anybody there, so it's kinda fun but also like a gambling. So, I went to sleep with half of excitement and the other half of sadness.
Yeah, it's only me remembering the night before I departure to here, Melbourne. That night I was like so confused and sad. I'm to scared to face another bad time, by myself. But how time flying so fast. I already lives here for about 2 and half years, by myself and I still survive until now. So many changes happened in me. I was breaking up with Rieza after 6 years been together. We are still good friend until now, and already move on with our own life. I'm with my Dunky now, and he's still single, I think. And that night, if I can choose, I'll stay in Indonesia, but the fact was I don't have any choices. Now, when my study almost finish and I'll go home in 2 months, if I can choose, I prefer to stay here longer, but the fact is I can't. So, is kinda push me around all the time to go, to move on, and to keep follow my path. For some private reason, I'm sad, and for other social reason, I'm glad cause my school duty is finish. My responsible to make my parents proud is already half way to go.
I think, everybody has a responsible for their own parents. And for me, 50% of my responsible is finish my school, and the other 50% is to show them that I can be independent with my own feet, in life. How hard it would be, but I know what I'm going to do. Just, one thing...I dunno what I'm going to do without my Dunky after I back home later. Well, I guess, I have to ready with everything,right? That move on could be means one of us has to go in separate way.
I better doing my assignment now. So, I'll see you around.
ps: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ONEL Wish all the greatest thing for you. |
me at 10:39 AM
Saturday, May 8, 2004 |
anyone who had a love close to this knows what I'm saying anyone who wants a dream to come true knows how I'm feeling all I can think is you and me doing the things I want to do all I imagine is heaven on earth, I know it's you
anyone who ever kissed in the rain knows the whole meaning anyone who ever stood in the light needs no explaining but everything more or less appears so meaningless, blue and cold walking alone through the afternoon traffic, I miss you so
anyone who felt like I do anyone who wasn't ready to fall anyone who loved like I do knows it never really happens at all
it's over when it's over, what can I do about it now that it's over... everything more or less is looking so meaningless and fades to grey lying awake in an ocean of teardrops I float away
ps: for anyone who feel that already find 'the one', knows what I mean anyone who think love is perfect, understand what's happen and especially for someone who keep put a bandage in my fragile heart, I hope you understand |
me at 4:35 PM
Sunday, May 2, 2004 |
 HAPPY WEDDING DAY, REZIA Hope your life will be happier from today til the end of the days
ps: I wish I can be there for you, today... |
me at 2:35 PM